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About YFA

Professional Associations for Physical Activity (Yrkesföreningar för Fysisk Aktivitet – YFA) is an independent sub-association of the Swedish Society of Physical Activity and Sports Medicine (Svensk Förening för Fysisk Aktivitet och Idrottsmedicin – SFAIM) which in turn is a section within the Swedish Society of Medicine. YFA comprises various professional categories, all of which have the objective of promoting physical activity in the prevention and treatment of disease.

One of the main tasks for YFA has been to produce the hand book Physical Activity in the Prevention and Treatment of Disease (Fysisk Aktivitet i Sjukdomsprevention och Sjukdomsbehandling – FYSS), which was first published in 2003. A second edition was published in 2008 and a third edition is planned for 2015. The objective of the book is to increase the knowledge of the value of promoting physical activity in the population and the book is intended to be a knowledge base for all who work with promoting physical activity. FYSS may also function as a textbook for various educational programmes.

YFA is active in national networks working to meet the public health objectives of increased physical activity, which were launched by the Swedish parliament in Nov 2011. YFA cooperates not only with professional associations, the government and individuals, but also with international counterparts. FYSS has so far been translated into Norwegian, English and Vietnamese. Most of the work accomplished within YFA is done on a voluntary basis.

Carl Johan Sundberg

Chair YFA

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Contact us:

Office at YFA: Peter Lamming lamming.yfa@hotmail.com
Chair YFA/Main Applicant: Carl Johan Sundberg carl.j.sundberg@ki.se